When you take a retrospective look at your life and reflect on the recognition, praise and rewards showered upon you, I am certain you are able to count on one hand the number of occasions you remember vividly and which have really left their mark.
With this in mind, I want you to consider acknowledging those of value to you and your business. In today’s fast-paced society, taking time to recognise effort above and beyond the call of duty will give your business the edge and make you leap out from the crowd. Whether you wish to reward excellence in your team, show gratitude to a valued customer, celebrate success with an introducer or influence a prospect, showing your appreciation will bring significant returns.
Financial reward can be an incentive, but rarely the best option and over time could cost a fortune. You’ve heard it said that ‘it’s the thought that counts’ and in business this gives us a chance to shine. Rain genuine praise on your employees when they achieve. Say thank you to your customers at every given opportunity, and let your introducers know their efforts are appreciated–do all you can to go the extra mile.
Those of you that know me will be aware of the positive feedback I’ve received using hand written cards. With email overload and the whole world going mobile, a successful way of getting noticed is to go back to the basics. Sending a hand-written card or letter in acknowledgment of achievements or just to say thank you will win you respect and appreciation.
I believe it is possible to build a business by sending cards to customers and prospects, as there are so many opportunities to say thank you or acknowledge special occasions. The sincerity of the message is also important. It should be personal and heartfelt, and not an occasion to send marketing literature. Take the time to write neatly by hand and also consider the timing. Do all you can to ensure your communications stand out from the crowd.