If you want a high energy, engaging, thoughtful speaker that can help your audience move their game to another level and specifically around language and around the use of language to achieve an outcome. Then Phil's your guy. I mean there's really nobody in the market that I know of that does it the way he does and as effectively as he does.
Jim Schleckser
Background & Brief
Inc CEO is a peer group mentor program that helps some of Americas top CEOs to navigate the complexities of leadership through creating trusted environments of like minded business leaders. Jim Schleckser is the founder of this organization and bi-annually hosts an event where these leaders get together and collaborate and learn from each other and a talented line up of outside professionals.
Plan for the Event
The final day of programming for this event included a full day of keynotes back to back. The day was emceed by Ian Altman and included a brilliant and diverse line up that included Mark Bowden, Kim Conklin, Kate O’Neil, Ron Tite and Phil was to close the show. The content for this event was a unique lens as it involved using Exactly What to Say for the purpose of leadership conversations, the selling of ideas and having more influence in their daily activities.
A Word from Phil
Seeing leaders who are highly experienced and highly skilled have moment after moment where they realize just how much more effective their communication can be when leading their teams, working with investors and influencing other stakeholders is a beautiful experience. Closing a heavy day like this is always a challenge and I knew I needed to wrap the conference with something high energy and a capstone for event as a whole. Getting to meet with the leaders socially during a private boat trip following the event was a great experience and also winning the opportunity to deliver further sessions to the teams of these leaders is something I already looking forward to.
Exactly What They Say

Jim Schleckser from INC CEO Project shares…
- The bi-annual event he hosts and how he found Phil
- The in depth prep before the event Phil did on a call with Jim
- Phil was the closer of an all-star event and was the exclamation point of the conference
- How Phil’s message is perfect for CEOs and was very well received
Full Transcript
Lou Diamond: [00:00:00] Welcome to exactly what they say about Phil M. Jones. We are here with Jim Schlecker with the Inc CEO project. Jim how are you today?
Jim Schleckser: [00:00:09] I’m great Lou. How are you?
Lou Diamond: [00:00:11] Do me a favor and share with the listeners a little bit about yourself and what you do.
Jim Schleckser: [00:00:15] The INC CEO project is a group of CEOs. We’ve got about 100 CEOs that we work with. We come together in peer groups and we combine that with advisory work to try to help them grow their businesses faster. So they’re all fast growth. They want to stay on that track and with the combination that advisory work and their peers the advice of their peers they’re able to continue growing the way they’d like to.
Lou Diamond: [00:00:39] Jim if you could share the specific event that you engaged Phil M. Jones.
Jim Schleckser: [00:00:46] Absolutely we had Phil come and speak at our INC CEO summit. We do this every other year. It was actually in September in Chicago. We had again about almost all of our 100 CEOs were there and Phil came in and talked to our audience.
Lou Diamond: [00:01:01] So why did you choose to have Phil speak? How did you select him?
Jim Schleckser: [00:01:07] I’d read some of his books, Exactly What To Say, and I think one other. I was really struck by the clarity and simplicity of his message. And I thought it was something that would be appropriate for my clients and this group of CEOs to hear as well.
Lou Diamond: [00:01:23] One of the things Phil is known for is incredible preparation before an event. Can you explain and share to the listeners your interaction with Phil before the event happened?
Jim Schleckser: [00:01:33] Phil and I did a one hour phone call sort of talking through my objectives and how we could help and make sure we could connect his message to that particular audience. But interesting enough he also asked for a list of everybody that would be in the room and that sort of for us included company size and company name and so forth. And that allowed him to be specific in his examples and understand exactly who he was speaking to so they could be on point with his examples and so forth.
Lou Diamond: [00:02:02] Jim can you share the feedback either from yourself or from the other attendees as to Phil’s presentation?
Jim Schleckser: [00:02:08] Yeah. You know we used Phil to close the day and so we had a number of just phenomenal speakers. But I have to say Phil, at the end of the day, put an exclamation point on the entire event. (He) left people excited, energized, charged up and you know they had learned some things. You wouldn’t think that the message of “Exactly What To Say” would be right for a CEO audience. But it turns out it’s perfect. And the reason why is we have high consequence conversations all the time. Difficult conversation with an employee, negotiating a settlement, trying to acquire a company — and so that message about crafting your words in a way to bring people around to a point of view was really impactful and really useful. So we got some great feedback and people were we’re excited that Phil came and spoke with us.
Jim Schleckser: [00:03:01] Finally Jim can you share why someone should consider hiring Phil Jones for their upcoming event in the future?
Jim Schleckser: [00:03:08] You know if you want a high energy, engaging, thoughtful speaker that can help your audience move their game to another level and specifically around language and around the use of language to achieve an outcome. Then Phil’s your guy. I mean there’s really nobody in the market that I know of that does it the way he does and as effectively as he does. So if you want that high energy learning with a great guy then Phil’s the one you want to give a call to.
Lou Diamond: [00:03:39] Jim’s Schleckser thanks so much for sharing exactly what you’ve learned from Phil Jones.
Jim Schleckser: [00:03:45] Thanks for the time.