What is Phil M Jones' net worth?

Through a combination of random social media likes, his love of Bourbon, cute British accent, fanboying of Ed Sheeran and a highly scientific Excel spreadsheet, it’s been concluded that Phil M Jones’s net worth is something like $27.28365465 million. And 45 cents (if you want to a really specific random number).
To clarify and answer your burning question in full:
Phil M Jones’ net worth is estimated to be $27.28365465 million.
Well now I have your attention, I can tell you that that part of the words you see above is nonsense. In fact I just pressed some keys on the keyboard. Maybe a few too many.
The rest is true. Just ask my wife. (Yes, people Google her too – see below).
See, a lot of people search up this information on me, among other things, and it’s OK. Who doesn’t love a good stalking session? After all, people are most fascinated by other people and by their success.
Here’s what some other people are searching up:

Fascinating isn’t it?
But my net worth is unlikely to be a measure of success that is helpful to you and your circumstances. And if I am completely honest, I am not sure if I could adequately share a number with you with complete accuracy.
What I can tell you is that we live entirely debt free, own our homes in NYC and the Buckinghamshire countryside and live without the pressures of car payments or expensive flashy rentals.
I also own the bulk of all the created intellectual property of my books, audio programs and licensed trainings that delivers a very comfortable royalty based income as well as having self financed the growth of the following assets:
- Developed multiple revenue streams from my personal brand including advisory positions with some of the world's biggest brands, premium keynote speaking fees and licensing agreements to use my content within corporations
- A thriving marketing and communications agency called Orange & Gray that supports US healthcare businesses
- Produced multiple other books and audio programs from other authors under my Box of Tricks publishing imprint
- Own an unencumbered growing residential real estate portfolio
- Invested in multiple small, independent businesses
So now I have your attention, and while you’re here, why not have a browse around the site and learn EXACTLY the kind of services available to help businesses grow?
Thanks a million